Saturday, November 22, 2014

Day 10, One Less Tube...

Josh had a better night last night. He had a little bit less pain, but we are trying to find the right balance of pain meds to last him through the night so he doesn't have to wake up to push his pain button. I think we are close.

Today, they took him off of the IV pain meds and are trying to get him onto a pill pain regiment. That way we can adjust his doses while we still have the help of the doctors before we go home in a few days. One less IV!! We are hoping to have him IV free by tomorrow so we can have at least 24 hours of managing his insulin levels on our own, but with the added benefit of experts at his bed side.

His diet is continually getting better too. Two days ago, he was able to have limited clear liquids (broth and some juice), then yesterday it was full clear liquids (broth, juice, pureed oatmeal, yogurt, jello). Today he's been moved up to a Soft Diet which opens up a WIDE variety of food. Sandwiches, pasta, cereal, omelets, soups, breads and even grilled chicken or hamburgers are now available to him. Although his stomach can't handle a MAN-sized meal yet, his appetite is growing little by little.

About 4 days after his surgery, a small purple bruise appeared on his right hip/side area. It was about the size of his fist. It has steadily spread into a deep, dark purple bruise that is the size of watermelon. The doctors say it is probably from the procedure and all the internal rearranging they did. It's continued to grow in size everyday, but hopefully we're close to it's peak. I'd show pictures, but I can't show it without showing a little of his booty too.

We are both growing weary of being in the hospital, but we've been very well taken care of. The night nurses have been especially helpful. I'm basically confined to my reclining chair most of the day, but we've been up so much as night that usually one of us is sleeping at some point during the day. We have a window that overlooks a parking garage and I overheard the early morning obligatory honks and yells as commuters fight for parking spaces. But at least I can see the sky.

As usual, Josh over packed on the amount of clothes he would need, so I took his giant duffle bag to the car to wait until he's ready to leave. And on the other side of the coin, I didn't pack enough clothes. Had to go do some laundry at the guest laundry around the corner. They really have thought of just about everything here.

I'm reminded of how blessed we really are, given our circumstances, as I walk through the halls of this facility. I've seen small, bald-headed children being pushed in strollers while attached to tubes and contraptions. I've seen men and women covered head to toe with blankets, masks, and gloves to prevent infection as they roll to sit near a window to see the world outside. I've seen countless family members curled up sleeping on benches that are too small, and tired, red eyes of those who are dealing with something heavy. I've been on that bench, with those tired, red eyes over the last 10 days. I've felt my heart hurt as our doctor delivered some bad news.

But I am thankful that the news was not worse.
I'm thankful that Josh is getting better, not worse.
I'm thankful that I have family willing to watch Lincoln for days on end, without knowing when we will be coming home.
I'm thankful for the expertise of the doctors, nurses, and staff here at MD Anderson.
I'm thankful that my little family will soon be reunited and that we can sleep in our own beds.
I'm thankful to know that even in the worst of times, I know that Josh and I are loved. Not only by our family and friends, but by our Heavenly Father and by our Savior Jesus Christ.
He knows us individually and what we are going through because of the Atonement.
I am grateful for the comfort the Holy Spirit had provided us.
So, all in all, I'm just grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words Lacy. Your strength and testimony, you have always had, will continue to fortify you during this trying time. Please send my love and hugs to Josh.
